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Description: Ulma Florida flow pack wrapper. This machine will be checked and serviced by Ulma. Because of sensors on the infeed conveyor the to be packed product will be placed on the exact place on the infeed of the machine. The speed of the flow packer will be adjusted to the amount of product that needs to be packed. Also a buffer can be created on the first conveyor. The main characteristics of its ergonomic design are quality construction and reliability, with easy cleaning and operation. The FLORIDA flow pack machine suits a wide range of applications, and it is the ideal machine for a multitude of applications with small and medium size production requirements. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS ULMA FLORIDA Left to Right operating direction. Rotary cross sealing jaws. 3 Pairs of rollers for longitudinal film pulling and sealing. Self centring reel holder Infeed conveyor for trays. Adjustable film folding box. Machine parameter settings (bag length, pusher position) Technical specifications: Model: Florida Year: 2002