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Грил маркер / Roller Grill Marker

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Basic information  
Basic Information  
Title: Грил маркер / Roller Grill Marker
Condition: New
Year of manufacture: 2026
Country: София
Reference Number: BB118599
Additional information  
Description: Грил маркер / Roller Grill Marker
Voltage: 380v/50Hz
Heating power: 15kw × 2
Pressure roller power: 0.75kw
Transmission power: 0.4kw
Total power: 31.15kw
Material of branding roller: gray cast iron
Mesh belt width: 600mm
Mesh belt speed: 3-15m/min
Product thickness: 6-35mm
Temperature range: room temperature~580 ℃
Equipment weight: 650kg
External dimensions: 2000x1450x1550mm

Грил маркер / Roller Grill Marker
Voltage: 380v/50Hz
Heating power: 15kw × 2
Pressure roller power: 0.75kw
Transmission power: 0.4kw
Total power: 31.15kw
Material of branding roller: gray cast iron
Mesh belt width: 600mm
Mesh belt speed: 3-15m/min
Product thickness: 6-35mm
Temperature range: room temperature~580 ℃
Equipment weight: 650kg
External dimensions: 2000x1450x1550mm

    • Current rating: 0
    • Total votes: 0
  • Seller Info

    • This announcement is published by: Private individual
    Наиль Сафаров
    Registration Date: Feb 01, 2016
    First Name: Наиль
    Last Name: Сафаров
    City: София
    Phone: +359876989710
    Website: www.sanmax.info
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