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Рециклирана машина за течни и гъсти продукти в сашета HASSIA FM 421

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Basic information  
  • Category: Packaging Machine
  • Posted: Dec 11, 2017
  • Type of listing: Machines for sale
Basic Information  
Title: Рециклирана машина за течни и гъсти продукти в сашета HASSIA FM 421
Condition: Used
Model: FM 421
Country: Plovdiv
Reference Number: BB118409
Additional information  
Description: liquid sauce ketchup we have also a perfect reconditioned used SachetForm/Fill a Seal Machine HASSIA FM 421 (FVL) in a very good condition. This german
machine produced ketchup in 4-side sachets with 1-lane up to 70 sachets/min.
Sachet size width: 40 – 200 mm, Sachet size length: 40 – 200 mm.
We are specialists in perfect overhouled packaging machines and we have right now
more than 200 used Form-/ Fill- a Sealmachines and attachments in our stock. This
offered machine works perfect for ketchup and has also a heated storage tank for hot
or cold fillgoods as well as a blind embossing – types 2 mm heigh for 10 digits.


liquid sauce ketchup we have also a perfect reconditioned used SachetForm/Fill a Seal Machine HASSIA FM 421 (FVL) in a very good condition. This german
machine produced ketchup in 4-side sachets with 1-lane up to 70 sachets/min.
Sachet size width: 40 – 200 mm, Sachet size length: 40 – 200 mm.
We are specialists in perfect overhouled packaging machines and we have right now
more than 200 used Form-/ Fill- a Sealmachines and attachments in our stock. This
offered machine works perfect for ketchup and has also a heated storage tank for hot
or cold fillgoods as well as a blind embossing – types 2 mm heigh for 10 digits.

    • Current rating: 5
    • Total votes: 3
  • Seller Info

    Company name
    Кедър - ДИ ЕООД
    • This announcement is published by: Legal person
  • Visit Owner’s Page
  • kedar_di
    Registration Date: Jan 23, 2015
    Personal Address: https://www.bbms.bg/en/kedar_di/
    Company Name: Кедър - ДИ ЕООД
    City: Пловдив
    Address: ул. Опълченска 1
    Phone: +359878357674
    Company Information: Кедър - ДИ ЕООД доставя нови, използвани и напълно рециклирани вертикални VFFS машини, флоупак (Flowpack) машини на GSP, Prewa, Rovema, Bosch и Hassia-Redatron, както и дозатори/ пълначни системи от Ishida и Yamato тегловни, шнекови и обемни дозатори.

    Фирма Кедър - ДИ ЕООД заедно със своите партньори от Германия доставя и инсталира употребявани и напълно обновени поточни линии за следните индустрии:
    Безалкохолни напитки
    Спиртни напитки
    Млечни продукти и сирена
    Website: packing-machines.eu
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