Used Ilapak Carrera Horizontal Packaging Machine The machine is in very good condition and well maintained. Ready to work. Year of manufacture: 2006 Along with the machine, you also get spare parts worth € 800.00 Speed: 130 pcs. / min. Product dimensions: - Length: 50 - 500 mm - Width: 20 - 300 mm - Height: up to 120 mm Film break up to 630 mm Packaging material: Suitable heat-sealable films, such as plain or co-extruded polypropylene (PP), laminated films (e.g., OPP + PE), PE films, and cold-sealing films of the appropriate quality. Film roll size: - Core Ø 76 m - Outer Ø 350 mm - Width 650 mm Maximum film roll weight: 40 kg. Electronic platform: Industrial PC Power supply 220 to 480 V, 50/60 Hz, 3-phase, 5 quad Compressed air 6 bar, 1 l / min Machine weight 900 kg. Price: from stock Stuttgart, Germany.
употребявана щанца- четвъртинка 38 на 52 см с модул за топъл печат може да се тества в България цена 7000 евро в случай на сериозен интерес - цената може да се коментира в разумни граници