ВАЖНО И НЕОБХОДИМО ЗАБЕЛЕЖКА Здравейте мадам / господине. Един от моите приятели току-що получи финансирането ми (60000) г-н Рингенберг Флориан, за да уреди дълговете ми и да реализира моите проекти. Ако имате нужда от финансиране между частни; Г-н Ringenberg Florian е решението. Тя е проста и много разумна жена.
Машината е предназначена за пълнене на тихи , негазирани напитки С 16 пълначни вентила НОВА НАМАЛЕНА ЦЕНА НА 20000 ЛВ Телефон за допълнителна информация и договаряне – 0888 56 76 00
The company PIPERIDIS S.A. It began operating in 1975 in the town of Ioannina, Greece mainly construction large cranes and machines for processing marble .In 2013 expanded its activities by starting to design and manufacture CNC routers and CNC plasma quickly imposed on the market with their robust construction, safety, absolute precision and reliability in any difficult task. They are used for cutting, milling, engraving and 3D , 2D can perform with ease and reliability applications on marble, glass, acrylic, aluminum, wood, MDF, PVC and other materials. All metal parts for the machines are manufactured and designed to ensure perfect synchronization during operation of CNC machines .All PIPERIDIS SA They are designed to operate 24 hours, 7 days a week with two years warranty on mechanical and electronic equipment. Provides technical assistance 24 hours a day. Placement and training is carried out by specialized personnel. Send us specifying the work moves the machine, what material will be processed and we will respond with an offer! Contact info: Marketing and sales - Bulgaria and Romania Minko Minkov - 0886144987 e-mail: [email protected] Address: "PIPERIDIS" S.A. Greece, IOANNINA Industrial Area of Ioannina Website: www.piperidiskataskeves.gr/en/constructions e-mail: [email protected] Phone: 0030 26510 57323