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Миксер триизмерен (SYH Three Dimensiinal Swing Mixer)

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Заголовок: Миксер триизмерен (SYH Three Dimensiinal Swing Mixer)
Состояние: Новый
Год выпуска: 2021
Номер для ссылок: BB385498
SYH Three Dimensiinal Swing Mixer
Main Uses:
This machine is widely applied for the mixing of powder material in pharmacy,
chemical, and foodstuff industries, as well as for the quick and even mixing of various
materials in different granules size and specific gravity.
With its unique three-dimension swing, parallel moving and rolling principle, the
mixer can generate a strong pulse movement to push forward and mix the target
materials continuously. The excellent mixing effects are the result of its changeable
vortex movement that possesses the energy grads inside. It also has the merits of
smooth running, low noise, high load factor and shortly mixing time as well.

SYH Three Dimensiinal Swing Mixer
Main Uses:
This machine is widely applied for the mixing of powder material in pharmacy,
chemical, and foodstuff industries, as well as for the quick and even mixing of various
materials in different granules size and specific gravity.
With its unique three-dimension swing, parallel moving and rolling principle, the
mixer can generate a strong pulse movement to push forward and mix the target
materials continuously. The excellent mixing effects are the result of its changeable
vortex movement that possesses the energy grads inside. It also has the merits of
smooth running, low noise, high load factor and shortly mixing time as well.

    • Current rating: 5
    • Total votes: 3
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